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To the extent permitted by law, the information on this website is provided 'as is' without any warranty or representation by Fly Corp or other providers of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or implied terms of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose.

To the extent permitted by law, Fly Corp and other providers also disclaim any representation or warranty that the website will be error-free, secured, or uninterrupted and any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of any information on this website.

  • To the extent permitted by law, by accessing this website you agree that Fly Corp, other providers, and their affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents will not be responsible or liable for any injury, loss, claim damage, or any indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, arising from or connected with:
    1. The use of the information on this website.
    2. Your access to other material on the internet via links from this website.
    3. Registration in, receiving email messages from, or participating in the Fly Corp for frequent flier program.

Other limitations described in this document apply to bookings and reservations made through this website.

We are acting as an intermediary or an agent for providers of travel-related products and services. We shall not be responsible for a breach of contract or any actions or omissions on the part of such providers that result in any loss, damage, delay, or injury to you and your travel companion, if any. We do not guarantee any of such provider's rates, bookings, reservations, or other purchase terms.

We shall not be responsible for any disruption of travel-related products and services, whether resulting from the bankruptcy of any travel provider or due to monetary crisis, political or social unrest, labor problems, mechanical or construction difficulties, climatic aberrations, local laws, diseases, novel conditions, including terrorist activities, and events of "Force Majeure" (I.E., those beyond our reasonable control).

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