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Disabled passengers


Depending on the airlines, there will be separate regulations on wheelchair assistance (WCH) at your request. Therefore, when you book tickets, please notify Fly Corp in advance for specific support.

  • Passengers required to undergo thorough medical check-ups before a flight:
    • Reduced, or absent, capacity to take care of oneself due to mental problems
    • Suffering from injuries, illnesses, or any other health problems that might greatly interfere with the well-being of other passengers on the flight
    • Pregnancy, in the forms of Twins or multiples, Assisted by IVF
    • Negative developments in the health of parent and/or child
    • Unhealthy infants or infants born premature
    • Suffering from health conditions that may worsen due to air travel, including but not limited to lung illnesses, ear or sinus problems, freshly broken bones, after surgery, or severe allergy
    • Suffering from communicable diseases such as chicken pox, bird flu, tuberculosis, measles, or mumps, etc
  • Passengers mentioned above cases should be certified health from the following medical clinics:
    • In Viet Nam: General or specialized hospitals at central, provincial, district, or equivalent levels. Private and international hospitals. International clinics
    • In other countries: medical clinics with legal certification
    • Our Flight Corp air ticket agent will not be responsible for the passenger's failure to confirm the health before the above request and the aviation authority refuses to transport the customer because of non-compliance with the regulations by us or the airline required
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